You're not so Fresh anymore

Today been chatting with Lesly, talking abt tat disgusting faker. Leu (L), Lesly (P)

P: Let's go shopping...
L: Ok... let's go to the wet market...
P: Look at all those meat...
L: Ya... alot of people is buying their own favourite meat in the market place
P: There's one meat left over wo~
L: Yalo, pity... let's go and have a look
P: Yerrr... the left over meat is spoiled dy la~
L: Yala, you're not so fresh to me anymore

2 who am I - questions:


June 18, 2009 at 2:56 PM

haha... I don't want (P)... Better don't eat the spoil meat lo... Or else spoil ur 'quality' only... DON'T DRAG YOURSELF TO HELL YA!!!

  .:: Ant ::.

June 18, 2009 at 4:36 PM

LOLZ....btw, i like my meat fresh and raw too! :P
