Evolve by
Monday, June 8, 2009
8:07 AM
I've watch this movie "Fighting" on last week, it is becoz i cant get the ticket of "Terminator". Is this film ok? Hmmm... i would give 1.5 out of 5 stars, if it isn't becoz of the main actor, i will just give 0.5 star... As u all know, Channing Tatum is a model, and he acted in a number of films before... so some of u might be familiar with him...
Terrence Howard, consider another main actor as well. The acting is kinda so~so... Hmmm... nothing really that surprise me. Almost Tatum do all the fights in this movie... Terrence? He doesn't really give me a deep impression at all...
This is Channing in the film, hot body ehh?
OMG, wat is he doing?
Putting his hand at his crotch?
This is so porn...
Modelling time, and he show his big bulk
Another sexy advert
Channing fighting?
Or is it....hahaha :P
This is the time when Channing get fat... He was caught by the paparazzi, kinda fat issit? but i still found him attractive... but this pic? hmm.... kinda salah~
5 who am I - questions:
June 8, 2009 at 9:19 AM
I remember when i first know him was from the dancing movie "Step up" (or is it?).
Quite a charmer. It seems that Western star tends to get fat really quickly but once if they work up, they shape up real fast too...
June 8, 2009 at 9:26 AM
hahahahaa i am getting fat also >.<
June 8, 2009 at 11:06 AM
Channing Tatum is very charming! i like him alot too!
June 8, 2009 at 11:56 AM
lean or chub ..... they all have their own legion of fans.
June 8, 2009 at 2:09 PM
milk, i never watch that movie b4...but i think he did quite well in it issit? :)
fufu, u r not fat la~ please...
twinkle, being fat is ok as long as u got a beautiful face...hahahaha~
ET, splendid issit? i will put him as my target to train my body :P
Anton, yup...but he's still look better with those 6 packs
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