L² Award 2009

Well, out of a sudden, i thought of having my own 2009 award.
Silly me~ :P and the winner goes to~ (click here to see my list for 2008)

L² Top Ten Celebrities:
1. Sammi Cheng - She's always on the top :)
2. Zac Efron - He's so cute
3. Christina Aguilera - She's simply marvelous
4. Tyra Banks - She's still my fav host
5. Channing Tatum - Nice, u knw wat i mean...hehehe
6. Rihanna - Still loving her "ella ella eh eh eh..."
7. Tavia Yeung - She's getting better in her acting
8. Lisa Kudrow - Still my fav sitcom babe
9. Lady Gaga - Fucking bad romance
10. Jason Mraz - I always blow away by his mini concert this year

L² Top Ten Movies: (Movie in 2009 only)
1. The Unbelieveable - 怪談
2. Ice Age 3: Dawn of The Dinosaurs
3. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
4. He Is Just Not That Into You
5. Transformer 2: Revenge Of The Fallen
6. Angel & Demon
7. Coming Soon - Thai
8. The Princess and The Frog
9. Drag Me To Hell
10. Lady Cop & Papa Crook - 大搜查之女

L² Top Ten Must Read Blogs:
Lolz, too many blogs i love to read, cannot cut down to top ten... later i will kena banned :P

L² Top Ten Favourite Spots to visit:
1. Milan Paris
2. New Zealand
3. Beijing
4. Hong Kong
5. Taiwan
6. Guilin
7. Hainam Island
8. Mauritius
9. Egypt
10. Bali

10 who am I - questions:


December 22, 2009 at 9:37 AM

errr, what a list!! :p

you haven't watched Avatar yet?? maybe later your list will change, hehehe~~ :p


December 22, 2009 at 10:05 AM

Sammi Cheng!! ^^

Forever NO.1 :p


December 22, 2009 at 10:08 AM

hmmm... your top celebrity still Sammi Cheng... :p


December 22, 2009 at 10:59 AM

yeah....yeah....yeah...sammi cheng no 1 again..... heheheheheeh....XD


December 22, 2009 at 11:47 AM

Gasp... Zac!


December 22, 2009 at 11:58 AM

sk, oh~ really? i m gonna watch it ths wednesday

immas, love mi love u forever no 1 :)

tz, of coz :)

nicky, sure yea :)

william, he's cute ma~ :D


December 23, 2009 at 1:10 AM

Haha!!! Top 10 somemore... Makes me feel like write my own version tim!!!


December 23, 2009 at 9:13 AM

u can write also de ma~ come on... i'm waiting

  the viennamese

December 23, 2009 at 12:00 PM

Woots Christina is 3rd top celebrity in your list! YOU RAWK! xD


December 23, 2009 at 2:03 PM

evann, i like her song, i like her style, i like her vocal, i like her mtv~ i like everything of her

Yay~ Christina ROCKS !!!