Hanoi Trip 1: Halong Bay

Finally, I came back from my Hanoi trip.
Do u guys miss me? :P
I definitely miss u guys.
Here are some photos :)
There's 7 of us going on this trip.
Leumas, Cedric, Michael, Khew,
Adeline, Joan & KahTing

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We're in Hanoi's Airport

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Visiting the souvenir shop
All these are draw on the jubin
Nice painting
Heard that this is good for man :)

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I love the beef pho (noodles)
Along our way to Halong Bay, see a lot of padi field
Dangerous driving in Hanoi
See this car?
It actually doesn't have any back window
Reach the jetty

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This is our captain

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I'm on the small boat going to our cruise
We're gonna stay in this cruise for one night :)
This is my own room, 1 person take 1 room :)
My bed. Hope L can sleep with me
This is where the sea crew will live

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Our dining hall
The tasteless tofu
Our seafood
Sour spicy fish

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On top of the cruise

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Captain Leumas

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Oh~ I saw some pirates. Prepare to fight !!!

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The Vietnam King :P

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Leumas posing

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Look like Tyra issit? :P

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Kayaking later

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I love the water, so crystal clear

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Our guide in Hanoi, Hung
The girls said he look like Edison Chen

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We're on our way to see the cave

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Before reaching the cave

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Nice view

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7 of us camwhoring again

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The statelite, wonder y i pose like this
The rocks look amazing
This is a very big cave inside
This rock looks like an erected cock

See the shape up there?
They say it look like crocodile
Out of the cave and some nice view
Halong Bay is known as the little Gui Lin
Some man fishing

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Driving the cruise
They actually pray in their cruise

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The name of our cruise
Our breakfast the next day
Very fat bacon, but delicious
Ever try banana with jam?

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We reach the titop beach

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Climbing our way up, we saw beautiful view again

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OMG~ i really love this view
Looks so foggy

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Y did i close my eyes?

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On our way back, saw some nice statue

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The vietnamese statue
The lotus goddess
Kwan Ying Ma
I love this, they are really good in stone crafting
Nice Vietnam coffee
I stop myself from buying coz i dun wanna get addicted again

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We go for our dinner

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This is Bun Cha~ damn delicious

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Then we reach the train station
Preparing to go to Sapa

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I'm going to Sapa~
See u guys in the next post :)

32 who am I - questions:

  Twilight Man

May 14, 2009 at 10:51 AM

Oh thanks for sharing the lovely photos! You didn't follow the tour but went on Free & Easy?

  liTtlE WorDs

May 14, 2009 at 11:40 AM

wow...your trip was full of fun. i wish i can visit Hanoi too ^^

  A Common Singaporean

May 14, 2009 at 12:33 PM

Leumas you little wicked boy. You are making me envious with all the lovely pics you posed cos I badly wanted to go for a holiday!! So nice! So much good food and beautiful scenery!! I am glad you enjoyed your trip! :)


May 14, 2009 at 1:46 PM

Welcome back!!!
Wow... It looked nice... I like the view and also the room... Maybe I'll consider it for my next year trip...
But the Leumas Bank.... Of cos cant fight with our Tyra la...


May 14, 2009 at 2:05 PM

wow, nice photos leh, bet you must have had a very enjoyable trip (apart from missing L)..


May 14, 2009 at 2:58 PM

Twilight, actually we took the local tour package instead. We book the tickets 1st thru air asia last year, then we get quotations frm the vietnam agencies. Its cheaper but the tour guide is really so so only lo~ not tat professional


May 14, 2009 at 3:05 PM

David, u should visit hanoi. its very nice... and its not really tat develop yet. So if u go now, it might be cheaper than if u go 5 years later... :)


May 14, 2009 at 3:08 PM

ken, wicked?!? gosh~ i'm so innocent :P
come on la~ singaporean earn more than malaysian... so u must have EXTRA EXTRA $$$ to go for travelling la~
u can consider to bring ur mistress to go hanoi for a trip... but u must find someone to take care of angel lo~ coz i dun think angel can adopt the food in vietnam


May 14, 2009 at 3:09 PM

Lesly, u wanna go with ur pig bb arr? :P hahaha~ nice place thou, but i didnt go to ho chih minh, there are a better place for shopping...

i knw i'm not compatible to ms tyra la~ but i still wanna shot some photos like her lo~ FIERCE !!!


May 14, 2009 at 3:11 PM

SK, of coz cannot compare with ur europe trip la... ur europe trip memang make me jealous only la~ wondering how much u spend on that tour? mine is around rm1500 only for the whole trip

  .:: Ant ::.

May 14, 2009 at 4:22 PM

Glad you managed to do the overnight cruise of Halong. I think you guys got shortchanged on the food tho', coz i remembered the food I had was a super spread of the freshest seafood bought fm a sampan along the ride.



May 14, 2009 at 5:20 PM

Anton, ya...the overnight on the cruise is damn cool~ i still got a lot to post on for the sapa thingy... but maybe on next post...

abt the food, we really got cheated la...every meal also without drinks, and the cheapest drink also need 3USD~ haiz...


May 14, 2009 at 8:04 PM

OMG! (Oh My GaGa)

it looked so fabulous!

  Fable Frog

May 14, 2009 at 8:11 PM

how come you can go inside the sea men's room?? OMG! SCANDAL!!!

But errr~ you cover Hanoi and Sapa in 5 days? wah! hebat! The train is an over night train wor~ i think it's quite nice to sleep on a train~ i like the vibration~ :P

and your camwhoring on the boat/yatch really geng! can give Mckey and analeigh a run for their money~!!


May 15, 2009 at 12:11 AM

Yor.. sud be going Hanoi :(
I m going Cambodia now.

  Leiister Soon

May 15, 2009 at 3:21 AM

You really look good in the picture !
You Take Care !

from turkey ~ Kusadasi


May 15, 2009 at 8:35 AM

Queen, not as fabulous as your highness, my gaga queen :P

haha~ i bet u went there before, or maybe somewhere more fabulous like those europe countries


May 15, 2009 at 8:37 AM

fable, ooppsss.... dun bongkar my rahsia... actually i spend every second in the crew's room.... hahaha~ no la... i jst took the photo frm the window only

the train actually is quite comfortable for me to sleep in... abt the vibration...ummm...no comment :P

of coz i can pose well like antm and mmsm :)


May 15, 2009 at 8:39 AM

jason, cambodia is nice ma~ i been to cambodia b4 last year during sept...

the cambodian knw multiple language and is good in english compare to vietnamese...

although the things in cambodia is cheaper than vietnam, but they are definitely better in doing business than the vietnamese


May 15, 2009 at 8:42 AM

Leister, really? :) i will show u all the photo when u r back ... thanx for the camera :)

how r u in turkey? i bet u have a good time at there...


May 15, 2009 at 8:47 AM

my home add will change to
Thanks ya ^^


May 15, 2009 at 10:18 AM

ahhh... wanted to go to Hanoi for quite sometimes, but yet to find anyone to go with me! :(

So, it looks beautiful and quite similar to Guilin in China.

So, who wanna to go Hanoi with me?


May 15, 2009 at 1:34 PM

underwater, yes, i've already linked u...

hope u r doing well


May 15, 2009 at 1:36 PM

ET, oh...u should let me knw earlier ma~ actually we were thinking of finding 8 person for ths trip, and we're lack of 1 guy....

but nvm la...i think there'll be a lot of ppl willing to go with u de...

  Northern Sky

May 15, 2009 at 3:56 PM

Can't wait to see ur Sapa pictures.


May 15, 2009 at 4:46 PM

joshua, i was thinking to post it today...but dunknw wat happen, i cant upload any photos in blogspot today...maybe got some technical problem.


May 15, 2009 at 4:56 PM

waa...go hanoi...nice nice...
i wish ni can go thr one day...


May 16, 2009 at 10:35 AM

Erm, looks like ur having fun Leumao... There's almost everything on the pics u posted...

But still, seems like something is missing.. Wats that, hmmm may be some opinions about hot **** LOL....


May 16, 2009 at 2:40 PM



May 16, 2009 at 3:42 PM

tom, sure u can go...got money ma can go liao lo~ no money also can go...sell ass lo~ or borrow from shark loan lo~ :P lolz


May 16, 2009 at 3:44 PM

jerry, its not all the photos la~ i still havent post the pics at sapa yet....

wat do u mean by hot xxx? wats tat? u never tell me how do i knw wo? seriously....


May 16, 2009 at 3:46 PM

underwater, yup...its snake ... heard frm my vietnamese tour guide said, every family has one bottle.... when man drinks it, it can help them to perform better sex lo... jst like viagra