
The main reason of changing my blog's link is actually i wanna avoid somebody who has been disturbing my life recently...Its not tat i'm proud of my blog or wat...but i think sometime i need to post some evil things/privacy stuff which i doesn't want people around me to know about it... of coz its include some of my colleagues who like to spread my blog to quite a number of people...

Actually i wanna talk abt my CEO today, hahaha~ its very funny to me, but quite a shock for him... I was going to toilet this morning...normally i will just push open the door slowly, but today i simply slam the door open (accidentally)....and i'm not doing it in purposely :( But i saw my CEO standing there (pee-ing) in a shock when he heard the door slam... Uh Oh~

As a CEO, he quickly remain calm and greet me with a smile while continue with wat he is doing...and me of coz, greet him as well and quickly went to the loo's part...i almost wanna laugh but luckily i didnt...its quite embarrassing though...but watever~
I also wanna share abt the feeling when guys go to toilet... Normally there's 2 kind of pee's stand in the man's toilet. The one with pee's bowls and the one with just a piece of metal wall or watever it is... For me, i feel more comfortable to use the pee's bowl but not the other 1..coz at least when u pee, nobody can peek~ :P and actually man with short penis, he can simply cover up his private part without exposing it too much if u use the pee's bowl.
I've one bad experience b4 around 4 years ago when i was still studying...I went into this toilet in sg wang, there was this guy who keep on staring at me while i pee. He kept looking at my private part with a disgusting smile on his face. He move his head so obdiously tat i knw he is trying to peep and i quickly move closer to the bowl to hide my little brother. Tat time i was quite young and still have beautiful face (haha) and still can attract ppl's attention, but tat doesnt mean i wan some asshole stranger to look at me while i pee... I quickly finish my business and stare angrily at him, but he still flushed me a flirtatious smile which i wanna vomit...

After this, i try to go to toilet's room since then and avoid to use the pee's wall or pee's bowl unless there's nobody using...phew~

13 who am I - questions:


March 18, 2009 at 4:10 PM

hmmm, i don't care, i will just finish off and leave as soon as i'm done.. that's those peeping tom's natural fetish, the more you are afraid the more excited they would be.. so just don't care and make them feel no fun because there's no surprises, hehehe!! :p

  .:: Ant ::.

March 18, 2009 at 5:13 PM

You USED TO look beautiful? Why now sudah horrendous ka?



March 18, 2009 at 5:21 PM

haha... I also felt not comfortable while pee in toilet bowl... that y i used to go into the toilet room... if all fully occupied, i prefer not to pee 1st (if i can tahan it la).


March 18, 2009 at 5:44 PM

SK, i try to...but he is too obvious...and i'm shy

Anton, now i look very old more a pretty boy...but a fat guy instead

Lesly, but sometime its difficult to tahan...not good for ur body


March 18, 2009 at 8:33 PM

funny la you...
u very fat meh!??
=.=" mana ada la...
LoL i am back BOOM XD


March 18, 2009 at 9:38 PM

haha.. maybe ur little bird is too tempting for him... :p

  .:: Ant ::.

March 18, 2009 at 11:12 PM

Wot I wuz trying to emphasize wuz that it's the inner beauty that wuz most important. With a good character, things will fall into perfect place.

Having inner peace is wonderful too. ^_^



March 19, 2009 at 8:36 AM

jacky boy, i'm not fat? lolz~ y u being so generous to me?

chris, not as tempting as urs :)

anton, i understand wat u mean

  Twilight Man

March 19, 2009 at 9:21 PM

I realized that it we see something as Art, then it is not dirty. Same applies to your bradder, show him your art masterpiece. LOL.....


March 20, 2009 at 8:27 AM

twilight, art?!?
excuse's a damn huge masterpiece for ur info ~ lolz


March 20, 2009 at 10:06 AM

hohoho... who you going to hanoi with? when the date until when??

hahaha...just dont bother those bastards... but sometime just wanna give them big slaps!!! i remember the first time i half way peeing...then he came...and stopped half way...then trying to continue...but cant!!! bukimak....


March 20, 2009 at 11:22 AM

i didnt!! but yes after couples of minutes later... >.< i cursed that jerk the whole day!!! anyway my email is lcfu@ hotmail ya erm... send me email for the itinerary ok? i may stay longer since you guys going there too short!! at least 1week ok? anyway i tumpang hotel can? lol not sure yet though...


March 20, 2009 at 11:44 AM

haha~ as long as u didnt pee in ur undies then will be fine...
i've send u email and added u in my msn dy