First of all, i dont fucking fucking understand why the hell the road tax sticker is so so so sticky... i know it needs a lot of technic to pull it off from the windscreen and put on it... just like how the happy go lucky one told me... but i just just just can't stand it,...
I spend around 20 minutes peeling it off my windscreen which already make me in a bad mood... then it took me another 10 minuted to peel the new one off from the paper and stick it on my windscreen again... and in the end, it turn out to be so damn fugly!!!
Why can't the gov jst use something with better quality? Gosh.....
Hi guys, this is a scheduled entry. Currently i have some sleeping problem. Wake up at nearly 630am everyday but i can only fall asleep on 1am every night. Its not that i dun wanna sleep, but i just cant sleep at all!!! :(
I feel sleepy on 9pm-930pm... but i jst cant sleep at that hour, or else i will be waking up in the middle of the night... so wat should i do? Can anyone help me? Dun ask me to drink warm milk, coz i'm allergic towards it.
Geez, wat am i writing? there's so many things to write but my mind is blocked now...i need some sleep... good night~
Hola bloggers, long time no see. Do anyone miss my blog here? haha :)
Has started my new work on Monday, a Jap company. Work place environment very open, sitting next to the jap GM and his secretary sitting in front of me. No privacy at all, can't yawn or even speak a bit louder at phone. Unable to go into blog during office hour, but luckily i'm still able to access to my hotmail.
Things are different here, colleagues are more professional in work and dressing. But in terms of friendliness, so far so good. At least they do bring me around to lunch for this week so i do not feel left behind. Met a few old colleagues here and thanks God, they gave me some hint of what "DOs" & "DONTs" in the new company :)
So nowadays i have to be punctual in the jap company, so i sleep quite early sometime. Its better to give a good impression first right? Hehe, but seriously, i miss blogging :(
Hope everything will goes well this time, gotta play my steps carefully... wish me luck guys :)
i'm so into Lee Pace now He is not that popular but i think he's super cute
Best known on his drama series "Pushing Daisies"
Name: Lee Grinner Pace Born: March 25, 1979 Location: Oklahoma, USA Characters in Pushing Daisies:
Lee Pace as Ned Anna Friel as Charlotte "Chuck" Charles Chi McBride as Emerson Cod Kristin Chenoweth as Olive Snook Ellen Greene as Vivian Charles Swoosie Kurtz as Lily Charles Jim Dale as Narrator Field Cate as Young Ned
(Just stop. Please. Just let me go. Alejandro. Just let me go.)
She's not broken, She's just a baby. But her boyfriend's like a dad, just like a dad. and all those flames that burned before him. Now he's gonna fight your fight, gonna cool the bad.
You know that I love you boy. Hot like Mexico, rejoice. At this point I gotta choose, nothing to loose
Don't call my name. Don't call my name, Alejandro. I'm not your babe. I'm not your babe, Fernando.
Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch. Just smoke my cigarette and hush. Don't call my name. Don't call my name, Roberto.
Gosh, i never realize i kept so many personal things in the office... and why the hell i got 4 mugs in my drawer which i dont remember at all? Weird huh? Watever la... Things i can throw, i throw; Things which have to keep, i need to bring them home... Gosh... total of 4 boxes... i always thought i will leave the company with nothing to bring back, seems like i'm wrong...
Today my boss and the pig supportive staff took MC, a good good day for me... don't need to see their face... and enjoy my last 1.5 days here... tomorrow only need to work half day... waiting for my farewell dinner with my HR colleagues :) Life feel so good now...
Heard that i cant online in my new company, so i might not be able to blog so often like now... hehe~ kinda addicted to blogging now... should i buy myself a broadband? Or i will only online whenever i got the chance? hmmm...
I will be having a short break for 5 days, start my new work on next Monday. Really really need time to rest now... hopefully can finish all my movies and dramas ~ haha~
Hi bloggers, i found this from an email and would like to share with u guys... hopefully my english translation is not too awful to read~ :P
神造人时给人体许多巧妙的安排,从身体的很多方面,我们都可以观察出自己健康的状况。只是很多时候我们都忽略了,现在让我们一起来看看,有哪些是你从来不知道的。 When God creates human being, he has arrange a very special arrangement on our body. Let's find out what God has arrange for us...
1. 冒痘痘的位置与健康 讯息Acne 冒痘痘的位置可能显示出身体的警讯,你知道吗?你可能要看看是否真的该保养身体了。 Different places of acne represent different signal of our health 额头Forehead 代表心火旺、血液循环有问题,可能是过于劳心伤神。这类的人脾气较不好,应养成早睡早起的习惯,睡眠充足,并多喝水。 There's problem in the blood circulation, maybe because you're too stressed out. This people usually has bad tempered, should drink more water and have enough sleep. 鼻子Nose 如果长在鼻梁,代表脊椎骨可能出现问题;如果是长在鼻头处,可能是胃火大、消化系统异常;若在鼻头两侧,就可能跟卵巢机能或生殖系统有关。 If its on bridge of the nose, means there's problem on your vertebra; if its on the tip of the nose, your digest system have problem; if its on side of the nose, means your ovary or your sex organ got problem 下巴 Lower Jaw 表示肾功能受损或内分泌系统失调。女生容易下巴周围长痘痘的可能是月事不顺所引起的。 Your kidney is having problem, as for woman will be during menses period 左边脸颊 Left Cheek 可能是肝功能不顺畅,如肝脏的分泌、解毒或造血等功能出了状况。 Liver is not functioning well, might as well as problem occurs on detoxify and blood making 右边脸颊Right Cheek 可能是肺部功能失常。 Malfunction of the lungs
2. 如何 检视指甲的健康Finger Nails 指甲的生长夏天比冬天快,手指甲又比脚指甲快,且健康情况也会在指甲上显现哦!所以快检视一下,你的指甲健不健康。 Our fingernails grow faster on the summer than the winter. The fingernails grow faster than the toe. 指甲色泽Color & Luster 通常是淡粉红色,但若太常使用指甲油、去光水,也会使指甲变黄。 Usually light pink is normal, but if you used too much nail polisher, your nail will turn yellowish 指甲的韧度Toughness 用其他手指按压指甲尖端,若能略为弯曲表示硬度刚好,若太软也表示指甲不健康。 Use other finger to press the tip of the nails, its ok if it can bend a bit, but if too soft means its not healthy. 指甲板是否光滑Glossiness 有时从侧面观看会发现沟痕,那就要多滋养指甲,让情况改善。 If you find there's too much ditch on it, then try to lubricate it 周围皮肤 Skin around 指甲周围皮肤若是过于干燥、粗糙,就要利用按摩与保养,改善情况。 Have to do more massage to prevent the skin around the nails to get dry
3. 指甲的病征Sickness from Finger Nails 指甲可以反 应健康状况,观察指甲的变化,可以了解身体有哪些病征。 The fingernails can also reflect our health too 指甲过白Too white 慢性贫血或肝、肾有问题。 Anemia or liver and kidney got problem 白斑 White Spot 缺乏锌,可由海产类、菠菜、菇类、五 类、葵瓜子等摄取补充。 Lack of zinc, can get it from seafood, spinach, mushrooms 容易破裂 Crack Easily 缺乏铁质,可由深绿色叶菜类、鱼类、豆类、五 类等补充。 Lack of iron, can get it from green vegetables, fish, beans 指甲过黄Yellowish 缺乏维他命 E ,也可能是淋巴系 统、呼吸系统有问题。维他命E 可由深绿色蔬菜、水果中摄取。 Lack of Vitamin E, might be problem if lymph system and breathing problem. Can get it from green vegetables & fruits 凹凸不平 Concave & Convex 若还有出现一条条的条纹,可能是肝不好。 Liver is not good
4. 如何从唇色 观察健康状况 Lip's Color 健康的唇色是粉红色的,如果唇色不正常,可能是健康状况不好哦! Normal lips color should be pink, if the color is abnormal, means there's problem 唇色苍白Pale 若指甲、眼睑也苍白,可能有贫血。 If the fingernail, Pupils also pale, anemia it is 唇色青紫 Greenish 若非因为气温过于寒冷,有可能是有贫血、心脏方面问题。 If its not because of too cold, means there's symptom of anemia and heart problem 唇色淡黄Yellowish 若脸色、眼白一样呈黄色,可能是肝功能不好。 If the face and pupils is yellowish too, means the malfunction of liver 唇色红紫Purple-ish 若非发烧或一氧化碳中毒,就可能有心脏病、肺病、心脏衰弱等问题。 If not fever or poison, means heart, lungs got problem
5. 从排泄物看健康 Faeces 许多人排出的大便有强烈的臭味,其实如果吃多了肉类、便秘时、肠胃道老化都会有此现象。你可以从排泄物观察出自己的健康情况哦! If you notice your faeces has strong smell, means you eat too much meat or constipation, or intestines is ageing. 份量 Quantity 每次以两三条为适量。 形状 直径两三公分的条状为佳,过软或呈颗粒状则表示肠子有老化状况。 Should be two or three twigs each time. Shape should be 2 or 3 cm the best. If too mushy or round shape means intestines is ageing. 气味Smell 正常者应没有强烈的味道,若有 □ 臭味、焦臭味、腐 败味,则是有肠老 化现象。 Normally will not smell too strong. If your mouth smell means intestines is ageing. 颜色Color 黄色为正常,颜色愈深表示肠老化状态愈严重。 Yellow for normal, the darker the color means the serious the intestines is ageing. 硬度Toughness 排便时若无压迫感或泻肚子状态则为正常。 Its normal when you don't feel oppression or diarrhea
6. 生理 时钟表 Physiology Clock 身体都有生理时钟,不同时间有不同工作,应该配合生理时钟,才能有健康身体哦! Usually we have a physiology clock, take note of it 午夜 12:00 ~ 1:00 12am - 1am 浅眠期 多梦而敏感,身体不适者易在此时痛醒。 Light sleep, more dream and sensitive. People who do not feel well will wake up at this moment because of pain 凌晨 1:00 ~ 2:00 1am - 2am 排毒期 此时肝脏为排除毒素而活动旺盛, 应让身体进入睡眠状态,让肝脏得以完成代谢废物。 Detox time, liver will be actively doing the detox. You should let your body in total sleeping status so that the liver can do it jobs 凌晨 3:00 ~ 4:00 3am -4am 休眠期 重症病人最易发病的时刻,常有患病者在此时死亡,熬夜最好勿超过这个时间。 Resting time, serious patient usually get their sickness and die at this hour. Please don't over this period even if you wanna stay up late. 上午9:00 ~ 11:00 9am - 11am 精华期 此时为注意力及记忆力最好,且工作与学习的最佳时段。 Essence period, you can pay more attention and have the best memories, better for studying period 中午 12:00 ~ 1:00 12pm - 1pm 午休期 最好静坐或闭目休息一下再进餐,正午不可饮酒,易醉又伤肝哦! Tea time, better rest for a while after the lunch, not suitable to have alcoholic, will hurt the liver 下午 2:00 ~ 3:00 2pm - 3pm 高峰期 是分析力和创造力得以发挥淋漓的极致时段! Peak period, best for creation and analysis 下午 4:00 ~ 5:00 4pm - 5pm 低潮期 体力耗弱的阶段,最好补充水果来解馋,避免因饥饿而贪食致肥胖。 Low tide hour, energy getting less, can use fruits to fill up your hungriness 下午 5:00 ~ 6:00 5pm - 6pm 松散期 此时血糖略增,嗅觉与味觉最敏感,不妨准备晚膳来提振精神。 Relax time, blood sugar will grow, sensitive on smell and taste, best to have dinner 晚上 7:00 ~ 8:00 7pm - 8pm 暂憩期 最好能在饭后 30分钟去散个步或沐浴,放松一下,纾解一日的疲倦困顿。 Temporary rest time, have a walk or bath, 30 minutes after your dinner 晚上 8:00 ~ 10:00 8pm - 10pm 夜修期 此为晚上活动的巅峰时段,建议您善用此时进行商议,进修等 要思虑周密的活动。 Night time, active moment during night time, can use this hours for discussion, studying or thinking 晚上 11:00 ~ 12:00 11pm - 12am 夜眠期 经过镇日忙碌,此时应该放松心情进入梦乡,千万别让身体过度负荷,那可得不偿失哦! Sleeping time, after the stressful and tired days, should relax yourself and have a nice sleep, don't burden your body
After a not-so-pleasant discussion with my bitchy boss on my handover yesterday, i started to packed my things though my last day will only be on next Tuesday. Basically this will be my last entry of ranting about my bitchy boss. The day i tender my resign letter till i served 3 months notice, she take no action at all of instructing who will be taking care of my clients. And now she wanna do everything in one day, one word for her - SHIT !!!
I'm not doubting her capability & ability (though she's really sucks) of taking care all my 50++ multinational corporate client, but 1 day to remember all the things are impossible. I already make her a handover list, written down everything nice and clear on last month, but she never bother to read about it. WTF~
And now she wanted to dump all these accounts to a new colleague who's here for 1 month? haha~ i wish her all the luck, and i'm not gonna answer any of her calls once i have left the company on next Tuesday. Maybe what my bitchy boss need is a training on management skills, and a heart of accepting her subordinate can work better than her. Tat's all
Kum went to Singapore last week she bought Gaga's The Remix Album I heard it once love the Stuart Price Remix version of Paparazzi :) And she gave me this Gaga's poster Hot right?
G: Hey, i'm at your company's lobby, can u come down for a while? L: Huh? No... I'm working G: Just for a while, I wanna pass u something... L: Ok...
Not knowing what he's up to, I went down and he pass me a tupperware bottle...
G: I heard xxx (my colleague) said you're not feeling well last 2 weeks ago, but i was working in Singapore, so i can't visit u...So i bring u this L: Huh? No need la~ G: Drink the soup la, its good for u... & the kek hwa tea as well L: Umm... *was thinking how to reject G: Okay, i got to go. My agent is waiting for me, Bye~
Glutton Leu never resists food... so... i finish all of it... But the same thing, I dont have feeling for u... sorry