Every time when there's an award ceremony,
it's time to for the actress to show off.
They will get the best dress that not only suits them,
but make them the center of attention
as well as catching all the spot-light.
Just got these photos with some friends of the TVB awards

I vote 郭羡妮 (Sonija) the best!!!
Look at her boobs, so attractive and nice
Her figure is so fit and perfect too...
she just stole my breath away
钟嘉欣 (Linda) is the 2nd one who got my vote :)
I love her dress,
especially that part which come from her neck to her wrist.
This make her looks so wild & sexy...
杨怡 (Tavia) was out of my expectation~
I was shocked !!!
She looks go glamorous,
i never thought that she can look so nice
I always think that
she's suitable of the neighbour-girl's type
But, wow !!!
I like 徐子珊 (Kate) as well...
She goes with something simple but glamorous
Well done...especially her body-figure
Blink blink goldie 杨思琦 (Shirley) look good too !!!
But not sharp enough to steal any spot-light
from the previous girls that i've mentioned
Winner of the best actress 米雪 (Michelle)
look elegant with the blue dress
Wanna congrats her~ love your acting skills.
胡定欣 (Nancy) comes with a fancy & colourful dress.
She looks cute and nice~
But i wonder whether she used a push-up bra for this :p
The host for the night 郑裕玲 (Dodo) looks good in purple
Still keep her best for so many years :) good job !!!
My idol, 李司棋 (Louise)
won another grand prize again this year
Although a bit plum, but she still look good
李诗韵 (Selena) looks nice with her dress...
But...should she get a better hair-stylist ???
陈法拉 (Farah) look ok~ just ok ...
佘诗曼 (Charmaine) look damn plain~
She also didn't put any special make-up or hair style

Copy cat 胡杏儿 (Myolie) come with a tuxedo
Look at her pose, bow and hairstyle....
Does it look similiar???
Of coz !!! Sammi Cheng already wore this at the academy awards b4...
Why Myolie has to copy others??? doesn't she has her own-style???
She's sucks~ just like her acting.
That's why she never won the best actress

Last but not the least, Lisa~Aiyo...come on la~U dun have any other better clothes to wear meh???I feel pity for herShe look like... dunknw how to say la...One word~ WORST